Five Awesome Zentai Suits To Improve Your Cosplay

Sometime we try every means to make our cosplay better, but in the end those efforts we've made is in vain, so today I'm going to introduce five fabulous zentai suits to all of you for improving your whole cosplay, withhout any further ado, let's get it.

Overwatch D.VA

D.Va is one of the heroes in Overwatch. She is a former professional gamer and a mech pilot who is participating in her country's special force to combat a colossal Omnic's devastating invasion. D.Va’s mech is nimble and powerful—its twin Fusion Cannons blast away with autofire at short range, and she can use its Boosters to barrel over enemies and obstacles, or deflect attacks with her projectile-dismantling Defense Matrix or blast her enemies with her Micro Missiles.

Overwatch Widowmaker

Widowmaker is one of the heroes in Overwatch. She is an assassin who possesses no emotion except for the satisfaction of her targets' elimination.Widowmaker equips herself with whatever it takes to eliminate her targets, including mines that dispense poisonous gas, a visor that grants her squad infra-sight, and a powerful sniper rifle that can fire in fully-automatic mode.

NieR: Automata Operator 6O/21O

Operator 6O is an android communication operator permanently stationed at the “Bunker”. As with other operators, her duties include sending directives to the YoRHa soldiers on the field as well as information analysis. Though her physical appearance is near identical to her fellow operators, she wears braids in her hair as a physical distinction.
Operator 21O is an android communication operator permanently stationed at the “Bunker”. Her duties include sending directives to the YoRHa soldiers on the field as well as information analysis. Personalities slightly differ between units.

Spider-man PS4 Advanced Suit

This is the primary suit made by Insomniac that’s been shown all through the game’s release cycle. Unlike the typical Spidey costumes, this one isn’t spandex; Insomniac drew inspiration from athletic wear for the costume that players spend most of the time wearing during the story.

Iron Spider Suit

Though it draws the name from the iconic red and gold armor from Marvel’s 2007 Civil War arc, the Iron Spider suit is inspired by Peter’s shiny new outfit in Avengers: Infinity War. As in the film, the game’s outfit will shoot out mechanical spider arms to give some extra reach. Maybe this time the armor will feel so good.


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