Three Last-Minute Halloween Costumes That Aren’t Awful

Obviously the Halloween is approaching, and i guess many of you haven't decided what kind of Halloween costume to wear on that day yet. But fortunately, I've rounded up three awesome last-minute Halloween costumes for those who are having trouble choosing costume, even though the number is small, but I hope you can get inspired by these costume ideas. With further ado, let's get right to the point!

Birds of Prey Harley Quinn

After seeing the trailor of this movie which is abou to be relaeased on February 7, 2020, honestly speaking, what impresses me most is the new costume and haircut of Harley Quinn. As for the plot of this movie, It can be concluded as,"After splitting with the Joker, Harley Quinn joins superheroes Black Canary, Huntress and Renee Montoya to save a young girl from an evil crime lord." And as for the Harley Quinn's new costume, i must confess that I've been fixing my eyes on it from the beginning of tralior, and I believe her special clothing style might be one of reasons why she is loved by most people. So when it comes to the Halloween Costume, I think this new costume of Harley Quinn could rank high on your costume list, and will definitely be a good choice for Halloween Costume.

Black Widow Natasha Romanoff

"I used to have nothing. And then I got this. This job. This family. And I was better because of it. And even though they're gone... I'm still trying to be better." Even if it's been six months since the movie "Avengers:Endgame" released, everytime the name of Black Widow is brought up, the words she said in the movie still lingers in mind, and above all, the fact that she is dead still make me feel a little sad. It's well known that the role "Black Widow" can be regarded as the sympol of beauty, at the same time, she is also an exceptional agent. But if we look a little more deeply, actually the Black Widow also shows her soft and emotional side. 

Wonder Woman 1984

Princess Diana of Themyscira is an Amazonian warrior princess and one of the world's first superheroes, known as Wonder Woman. She is the daughter of Queen Hippolyta and Zeus, king of the Olympians. Born on Themyscira, Diana was raised in paradise, hearing tales of her the Amazons' great task of defeating the God of War, Ares, and bringing peace to the world, ushering in a new era of peace to the world. Upon coming of age, Diana began pursuing the life of a warrior, despite her mother's rejections. Determined to serve, she ultimately enticed her aunt Antiope to train her in secret, but was soon discovered by her mother, Queen Hippolyta. Begrudgingly, the queen accepted Diana as a warrior, and ordered Antiope to train her better than any other Amazon. Classic Hero, Classic Costume, why not try it on in classic festival--Halloween?


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